Environmental Health |
- Bassett, W.H, Environmental Health Procedures. Chapman Hall, ISBN 0412561905
- Beaton, J.A., Scots Law Terms and Expression ISBN 0414006917
- Beaglehole, R. Bonita, R. Kjellstrom, T. (1998), Basic Epidemiology. ISBN 9241544465
- BMA, Living with Risk British Medical Association, ISBN 1871912016
- Chesney D.N. et al, Chesney's Equipment for Student Radiographers. Blackwell Science, ISBN 063202724X
- Day. R, How to Write a Scientific Paper 4th edition, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0521551366
- Eason, G. Coles, C.W. Gettinby, G Mathematics and Statisitics for the Bio-sciences Ellis-Harwood, ISBN 0135605415
- Ewles, L. Simnett, I., Promoting Health - A Practical Guide ISBN 1871364736
- Godlee, F. Walker, A, Health and the Environment ISBN 0727903187
- Jackson, M.H. Morris, G.P. Smith P.G. Crawford, J.F, Environmental Health Reference Book. ISBN 0408026006
- McManus M, Environmental Health Law. Longmans, ISBN 1854313177
- Marshall L.A. and Rowland F, A Guide to Learning Independently, . ISBN 0335101178
- Northledge, A., The Good Study Guide ISBN 0749200448
- Rowntree, D, Statistics without tears ISBN 0140223266
Contaminated Land |
- Alloway B J & Ayres D C Chemical Principles of Environmental Pollution. Blakie Academic and Professional, ISBN: 0751403806
- World Health Organisation, Concern for Europe's Tomorrow : Health and Environment. Wissenchaftliche Vertagsschlaft, ISBN: 3804714064
- World Health Organisation, Concern for Europe's Tomorrow : Health and Environment. Wissenchaftliche Vertagsschlaft, ISBN: 3804714064
- Hester R E & Harrison R M,Contaminated Land and its Reclamation. The Royal Society of Chemistry, ISBN: 085404230X
- Reeve, R N, Environmental Analysis. John Wiley and Sons, ISBN: 0471938335
- Bunce, Environmental Chemistry. Wuerz Publishing Ltd, ISBN: 0920063659
- Eisenbud, M, Environmental Radioactivity. Merrill Academic Press, ISBN: 0122351533
- Harrison, R M, Pollution. Causes, Effects and Control. The Royal Society of Chemistry Information Services, ISBN: 0854045341
- Keith, L H, Principles of Environmental Sampling, Intercept, Held in EML, Copies x 1 ISBN: 0841231524
- HSE, Protection of Workers and the General Public During the Development of Contaminated Land. HSE, ISBN: 011885657X
- Chopin, G, Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry. G. Choppin et al, Butterworth Heinemann Ltd, ISBN 0750623004
- Warner F & Harrison R M, Eds.Radioecology after Chernobyl. John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 0471931683
- Harrison, R M, Understanding our Environment. An Introduction to Environmental Chemistry and Pollution. The Royal Society of Chemistry Information Services, Held in EML, Copies x 2 ISBN: 0851862330
Residental Environment |
- Bassett, W.H, Amenity Standards for Houses in Multiple Occupation. Chadwick House, ISBN 0900103469
- Beaglehole, R. Bonita, R. Kjellstrom, T. (1998), Basic Epidemiology. ISBN 9241544465
- CIEH., Radon. CIEH ISBN 090010399X
- Ewles, L. Simnett, I., Homes & Health. Chadwick House ISBN 0419171002
- HSE., How to Deal with Sick Building Syndrome. HSE ISBN 0717608611
- Ineichen, B., Health and the Environment. ISBN 0727903187
- Jackson, M.H. Morris, G.P. Smith P.G. Crawford, J.F., Environmental Health Reference Book. ISBN 0408026006
- MRC., Indoor Air Quality in the Home (Assessment A2). MRC IEH, ISBN 1899110054
- Ranson R Healthy Housing. Chadwick House, ISBN 0419154000
- Evaluation and Inspection of Buildings and Structures. Blackwell Science, ISBN 0118854410
- Fire Safety for Houses in Multiple Occupation. 17th Edition, Published by Chadwick House ISBN 0952434008
- Green Building Handbook Chadwick House, ISBN 0419226907
- The Law on Homelessness Chadwick House ISBN 0421580704
- Unhealthy Housing Chadwick House, ISBN 0419154108
Environmental Pollution - General |
- Harrison. R.M., Pollution: Causes and Effect, Controls. RSC ISBN 0851862837
- Harrison, R. M., Understanding our Environment. An Introduction to Environmental Chemistry and Pollution. RSC, ISBN 0851862330
- Kay. D., Recreational Water Quality Management, Vol. 1 Coastal Waters. Prentice Hall ISBN 0137700253
- Kay. D., Recreational Water Quality Management, Vol. 2 Fresh Water. Prentice Hall ISBN 0137673027
- Millstone. E., Lead and Public Health: The Dangers for Children. Earthscan, ISBN 1853833118
- Murley. L(Ed)., NSCA Pollution Handbook. NCSA, ISBN 090010399X
Air Pollution |
- WHO., Air Quality Guidelines for Europe. WHO, ISBN 9289011149
- Hester. R.E., & Harrison. R.M., Air Quality Management. RSC, ISBN 0854042350
- HSE., Asbestos - Exposure Limits and Measurement of Airborne Dust Concentration. HSE, ISBN 0717609073
- Seinfeld. J.H., Atmospheric chemistry and physics of air pollution.. Wiley, ISBN 0471178160
- HMSO., Benzene. HMSO, ISBN 0117528595
- HMSO., Carbon Monoxide. HMSO, ISBN 0117530352
- Hester. R.E., & Harrison. R.M., Chlorinated Organic Micropollutants. RSC, ISBN 0854042253
- Crandall. R.W., Concern for Europe's Tomorrow : Health and Environment. Brookings Institution, ISBN 0815716044
- Turco. R., Earth under Siege: from air pollution to global change. OUP, ISBN 0195072863
- Reeve. R.N., Environmental Analysis. Wiley, ISBN 0471938335
- ~Bunce. N., Environmental Chemistry. Wuerz, ISBN 0920063659
- IEH., Fibrous Materials in the Environment. IEH, ISBN 1899110178
- Martens Pim., Health & Climate Change - Modelling the impacts of global warming and ozone depletion. Earthscan Publications Ltd, ISBN: 1853835226
- BMA Health & Environmental Impact Assessment - An integrated approach. Earthscan Publications Ltd, ISBN: 1853835412
- IEH Indoor Air Quality in the Home (Assessment A2). ISBN: 1899110054
- IEH Natural and Man Made Fibres UK Research Priorities (Report R3). ISBN: 1899110038
- Murley. L(Ed)., NSCA Pollution Handbook. NCSA, ISBN 090010399X
- Particles Expert Panel on Air Quality Standards (EPAQS). Edition, Published by HMSO ISBN: 0117531995
- Smith., C, Collar., N and Poustie., M Pollution Control - The Law in Scotland. T&T Clark Ltd, ISBN: 0567005259
- Harrison R. M., Pollution. Causes, Effects and Control. Royal Society of Chemistry Information Services ISBN: 0854045341
- Keith, L.H., Principles of Environmental Sampling. Intercept, ISBN: 0841231524
- CIEH Radon. ISBN: 090010399X
- Marion J.C. de Lapper & Mark J Schollen & R.M. Stein The Added Value of Geographical Information Systems in Public and Environmental Health. Kluwer N.L., ISBN: 0792318870
- Nene College, Northampton The Radon Manual. The Radon Council Ltd, ISBN: 0951943111
- Harrison, R, M., Understanding our Environment. An Introduction to Environmental Chemistry and Pollution. Royal Society of Chemistry Information Services, ISBN: 0851862330
- DOE Urban air quality in the United Kingdom. First Report of the Quality of Urban Air Review Group (QUARG). Department of the Environment, ISBN: 0952077116
- Hester R.E., & Harrison R.M., Volatile Organic Compounds in the Atmosphere. Royal Society of Chemistry Information Services, ISBN: 0854042156
- Hester R.E., & Harrison R.M., Waste Incineration. Royal Society of Chemistry Information Services, ISBN: 0854042059
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