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En Espanol / Hispanic
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Architectural Digest en Espanol | Casa & Estilio International | Cosmopolitan en Espanol | Glamour en Espanol | Hispanic | Hispanic Business | Latina | Latina Style | Latin Trade | Maxim en Espanol | Mira | Men's Health en Espanol | National Geographic en Espanol | Prevention en Espanol | TV Y Novelas | Vanidades | Vida Cristiana | Vogue en Espanol

Architectural Digest en Espanol
Architectural Digest en Espanol

es la revista de arquitectura y diseño interior de mayor prestigio en el mundo.
Casa & Estilo Internacional
Casa & Estilo Internacional

The premiere Spanish Language architecture, interior design, art and lifestyles publication for the Latin American and Hispanic palette. A high end glossy publication, Casa & Estilo Internacional, brings its readers the best in home and style from around the world.
Cosmopolitan en Espanol
Cosmopolitan en Espanol

Cosmopolitan in Espanol is the personal magazine for the independent, innovative, successful Hispanic woman, with strong emphasis on beauty and fashion with positive articles on work and personal relationships.
Glamour en Espanol
Glamour en Espanol

del encanto es la versión española del lenguaje de uno de los grandes compartimientos para las mujeres jóvenes interesadas en la manera y la belleza. Incluye características en carreras, imagen, amante, las estrategias acertadas para el sexo, la salud, la nutrición, finanzas, y más.
Hispanic Magazine

Hispanic Magazine is an English language publication that highlights the success stories of today's hispanics.
Hispanic Business
Hispanic Business

Hispanic Business is for today's upward mobile Hispanic executives and employees. Each issue reports on the latest corporate news, global developments, and specific trends relevant to Hispanic people.

understands the lifestyle of today's Hispanic woman. Features articles on fashion, beauty, career, health fitness and celebrities. Save 50%! Available for delivery WorldWide!
Latina Style
Latina Style

is written for the American Latina and provides all the information she needs to succeed. Each issue showcases Latina achievements in business, science, civic affairs, education, sports, the arts as well as the Latina's proud cultural traditions. Among regular monthly features are highlights on career opportunities, small business opportunities, technology tips, computer reviews, advice on home entertainment, book and movie reviews, travel opportunities, investment guidance, food and drink recipes and many other quality of life issues.
Latin Trade
Latin Trade

Latin Trade is the only English-language magazine that's dedicated to business coverage of Latin America and the Caribbean. This publication provides award-winning news about finance, politics and technology. Also offered are special reports by country, industry or company.
Maxim en Espanol
Maxim en Espanol

is like no other magazine. The magazine that has captured the attention of millions of men is now being published in Spanish. Audacious and daring, each issue is packed with irreverent takes on the topics that interest today's young, active male: sex, sports, fashion, career, gadgets, jokes, health and fitness. The honest and authentic voice of Maxim En Espanol speaks boldly to the modern multifaceted Spanish-speaking man.

Features exclusive interviews and all the best latest news on your favorite Latin stars.
Men's Health en Espanol
Men's Health en Espanol

Men's Health en Espanol is the magazine for the Hispanic man interested in a healthful lifestyle. This magazine covers a wide range of subjects including exercise, health, nutrition and dietary information.
National Geographic en Espanol
National Geographic en Espanol

Prevention en Espanol
Prevention en Espanol
Prevención en Espanol es la versión española del lenguaje del compartimiento más popular de la salud del mundo. Cada mes, este informativo, compartimiento de la aclaración dice a programas de lectura sobre las maneras muy últimas y mejores de perder el peso, de mejorar la nutrición, de prevenir enfermedad, y de gozar de vida más!
TV Y Novelas
TV Y Novelas

The Latin influence in today's entertainment is stronger than ever, and TV Y Novelas, tells you why. Every issue gives readers the inside scoop on the hottest Latin starsùon stage, on screen, and in the recording studioùwith exclusive interviews and one-of-a-kind photos. Plus, an insider's look at the personalities behind Latin show business.

The Latin woman's beauty fashion leader, Vanidades covers all the basesùfrom profiles of the top names in Latin culture to lifestyle tips to the latest beauty and fashion looks and trends. Plus, a look at today's hottest crossover Latina entertainers, from television personalities to top movie stars to the chart-topping recording artists.
Vida Cristiana
Vida Cristiana

Servir a la Iglesia de habla hispana internacional proveyéndole liderazgo profético, enseñanzas relevantes y noticias de la obra de Dios alrededor del mundo. Confesión de Fe: Creemos que la Biblia es la palabra infalible de Dios. Creemos que hay un Dios que existe eternamente en tres personas: Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo. Creemos en la divinidad de nuestro Señor Jesucristo; que nació de una virgen, vivió sin pecado, derramó Su sangre por nosotros, resucitó al tercer día, ascendió a la derecha del Padre y pronto regresará. Creemos que la regeneración del individuo en el Espíritu Santo es esencial para la salvación de las almas perdidas. Creemos en el ministerio del Espíritu Santo, y que a través de Él se puede vivir en victoria. Creemos en la resurrección después de la muerte. Creemos en la unidad espiritual de los creyentes a través de Cristo.
Vogue En Espanol
Vogue en Espanol

No other magazine drives the world of fashion quite like Vogue. With breath-taking images and unrivaled editorial content, Vogue is the preeminent source for a culture that craves inspiration. With a keen understanding that fashion influences every facet of contemporary life.
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